“If you think of vision and mission as an organization's head and heart, the values it holds are its soul.”

God’s Word – It is foundational to who we are and what we do. We believe that the Word (as it is confessed in the Lutheran Confessions) not only brings us salvation, but guides us in all matters of faith and life.

Education – We value the importance of Christ-centered education at all stages of life. We expect our members to be engaged in the study of God’s Word.

Outreach – We seek ways and opportunities to help our members share their faith with those who do not know Christ. 

Worship – It is our main activity. We seek to offer a variety of worship opportunities and styles to bring God’s Word and sacraments to His people. 

Marriage and Family  – We want to nurture marriages and families so that spouses and children can enjoy all the blessings that come from their Savior, Jesus Christ, and stay strong and committed to Him and one another as they live out their lives in a culture that is becoming increasingly anti-marriage and family. 

People – People of all ages are our greatest resource and viewed as precious gifts from God. We want to help and care for them as we treat them with the dignity and respect that God has placed on all human life. 

Service – As God’s redeemed people, He has equipped His people with a variety of talents and gifts that are intended to be used in service to Him and our neighbor.

“Anything that changes your values changes your behavior.”