PrayER Team Coordinator

Role Description

  1. The Coordinator will be contacted at least once per week via email by the church office. This email will contain a listing of all new prayer requests along with the appropriate PrayER Team assigned to each request.
  2. The Coordinator will contact each PrayER Group Organizer once per week to relay prayer requests and updates that will be shared with the entire team. This contact can be made in whatever format works best for the Organizers (email, phone, text)
  3. The Coordinator will maintain a list of all PrayERs in each Group along with contact information. This information will be shared with Organizers and updated as necessary.
  4. The Coordinator may receive communications from the Organizers with questions or updates relayed from the PrayERs. This information should be shared with the church office.
  5. The Coordinator will share periodic prayer suggestions, Scripture references, or other pertinent information to pass along to Organizers.
  6. The Coordinator will assist in scheduling the Organizer meetings (3x/year).


  1. The Coordinator will receive a prayer journal that may be used to record prayer requests (although not required).
  2. The welcome packet will also contain helpful information on how to pray, what the Bible says about prayer, a sample prayer for that topic, and more.
  3. The Coordinator will receive an initial list of members of the PrayER Groups along with contact information. Updates will be communicated through the church office.
  4. The Coordinator will receive from the church office periodic prayer suggestions, Scripture references, or other pertinent information to pass along to the Organizers.
  5. The Coordinator will meet once per month with the church staff representative to share insights, ask questions, or suggest improvements to the overall program.

Click here if you are interested in serving as a PrayER Team Coordinator.